Dare to be uplifting


by Daniel Arthur J., September 26, 2014


People need to feel wanted, respected, and hopeful.

Red Rock Canyon, Mojave Dessert, April, 2014 by D.A. Jones

Red Rock Canyon, Mojave Dessert, April, 2014 by D.A. Jones

In this new age of easy contact it is too easy to not really make contact. A person can manage many relationships with others, and feel pretty fulfilled. I don’t think it’s that way for a lot of others – including their contacts. These contacts feel rejected very easily, get lost, lose hope, and often wander into poor ideology. Perhaps that is what is fueling so much violence on the planet.

I can imagine that a relatively immature young person with a feeling of loss could easily find organized, armed struggle as an outlet for their loss of hope. They can have a religious zealot pushing them, get together with real people, and get directed and motivated toward violent ends. They are like zombies really. They have a purpose that’s not really theirs. They would rather have hope, work or study, have a place to call home, and have a close relationship with someone they care for.

Somehow I believe our current technological advancement is creating this huge sense of loss and being lost. Too much promise or hopes that are dashed without a second thought. There is no recourse. People give up until the bad elements find them, and soon enough they are directing their very real anger at the rest of us.

How do we turn this situation around? Society is becoming more cold and heartless in this regard with social networking. I don’t think it is on purpose or even that we are conscious of this cold and heartless behavior. We think of the positive contact and not the easy, cold shut off. Your emotions and feelings are activated, and “Bam!” they are shut down by someone – not gently like with true human contact. They are not able to see that you care.

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Read, interact, think and create.

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Make sure you take care of the essentials even as you help others -

Get enough sleep

Eat right

Exercise plenty

Keep in touch with loved ones

Be ready to vote

Vote for people that want to make the world better especially for the disadvantaged, and not for people that want to make things harder for all but the wealthy

Contribute to help with unfortunate disasters like the Ebola outbreak

Prevent problems – voting correctly helps with this

Be caring, mindful of others


It’s good to see those that believe in action

A view from the east along the Spokane River walkway in June of 2014

A view from the east along the Spokane River walkway in June of 2014

by Daniel Arthur J., August 5, 2014

The world needs serious, enthusiastic and compassionate politicians.

It was nice to be present at a gathering of local politicians on election night. These politicians really believe in their government’s potential to positively impact the lives of their constituents. They talk about education, transportation, healthcare, working together and generally how they can help create a better society. They hope to get elected. I think they should – especially when you compare them to the alternative.

I hope other people in the community will get involved in the political process. It is an opportunity for them to use their critical thinking ability for good. They won’t always be happy with how things are going. They will disagree with others at times. They will be better off, and so will I.

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Read, interact, think and create.

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I heard some good testimony tonight about making changes. I know many people that scoff at taking care of themselves. Our free enterprise system tends to send them down that path of self-destruction. I give a shout out to those that decide to use their critical thinking ability for good – even to better their own life. Eat well in a healthy way. Exercise with at least two rigorous workouts a week. Find a qualified coach to help. You and yours will be happy that you did.

Are you a free rider?

A dead willow tree blocks my driveway after a storm in Tulalip, June, 2014

A dead willow tree blocks my driveway after a storm in Tulalip, June, 2014

by Daniel Arthur J., July 6, 2014

There really isn’t a free ride in many market failures – just a short term gain with serious long term problems.

I was paid off by politicians and their financial supporters for years. They gave me tax cuts along with millions of other Americans. However, the debt still needed to be paid. It grew with every tax cut. It would now. Also, the shortage or rationing of government services was harming our nation’s infrastructure, environment and the economically less advantaged. I was paid off. Those short term tax rebates were intentional. They were designed to pacify the voter – to make me feel like everything was a-okay.

Things were not a-okay. They are not today. We need to pay our taxes to improve on what has been neglected and/or denigrated by the right wing, super free riders. It’s time to robustly improve our basic government goods and services. It’s time to make sure that all people are treated fairly and like they would like to be treated. It’s time to have real comfortable and safe housing communities for everyone, excellent transportation, an environment that is getting healthier at a faster and faster rate and healthcare for all that includes complete, holistic goods and services.

Market failures dominate our society, our nation and our world. Market failures poorly managed create super wealth for some and struggles for the rest. We need healthy markets. To be healthy markets need excellent regulatory conditions – not neglect. But, just like we need markets, we need government run by people that believe that it is not just important, but essential for our success. It’s time to help the economically less advantaged to increase their wealth much better and more securely than it has been. It’s time to make communities healthy all across this land. We can and should help others, too.

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Read, interact, think and create.

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The World Cup football tournament has been fascinating, but more than imperfect. While there are many talented and hard working athletes and officials involved, it has been much less than it could be. I have noticed that there are many other competitions and performances that are worthy of our attention. From gardening shows to horse cutting competitions to ballets and symphonies, there are many wonderful cultural activities to attend and/or lend my support. I am there.