We are at this point again where in the north the daylight lasts longer each day, and where in the south the night begins to slowly become more prominent. This has been an important time of year for humanity since time immemorial. Somehow we celebrate having more sun and that it does not die a little later than the winter solstice’s actual day. Somehow we mark this time with decorations of evergreen trees. It is mostly a time of sharing gifts for many; it is not even much to consider for many more.
Every day is a day when light can grow to be a bigger and better part of your life. You have learned so much since your conception, you will learn much more, and you have the ability to help in so many ways. We all need you to do what you do as well and good as you can. Whether you make shoes or sell shoes, create material or clean up the office, feed people that work or protect them from harm, then, please do your best. We need the pilots, the mechanics, the hosts, the ticket clerks and everyone involved to do their best to make traveling long distances safe and pleasurable.
You are always needed to do your best to make things work. If you find a problem fix it, or bring enough attention to the problem to gain a worthy solution. Help make everything to become more sustainable. We need things thought through with care and completeness. Think not just about those you identify with the most as important; rather, think about everyone as being as important as your most loved.
You have many gifts. Open your gifts. Make them to benefit not just yourself, but everyone. Share your gifts like you like others to share with you. Enjoy your loved ones, and treat all others as you would the ones you care most about. If you are not well, get help to become well. We need you to be at your best. We need to make all things as good as we can – better tomorrow than today. Don’t give up and destroy, but begin every moment with an eye towards helping the Earth and the universe to be a little better for our shining lights.
Daniel A. Jones, December 25, 2011