Everyone should be mindful of helping others to pursue happiness. What is happiness? What is it to you? What is it to others? What is it to me? Pursuing happiness can mean many things to one person, so people should be able to understand that it can be very complex to understand what the pursuit of happiness can mean to many people, a nation or everyone on Earth.
Some people might try to define happiness as a feeling, but even if a feeling is involved they would have other factors involved in their happiness besides a single type of feeling. They would at least be able to describe an absence of other feelings or circumstances in order for this single feeling to help them reach a state of happiness. Usually, happiness includes a mission or missions in life, and those usually are about accomplishing something significant. People like to contribute to the world. It makes them happy.
The more knowledge you have the more complex your happiness is likely to be. As you become self-aware as a child your happiness is more complex, and then as you develop awareness of the needs and desires of others it becomes yet even more complex. When you have your breath knocked from you fromby a blow or illness or near death, you are extremely happy to have that next breath – that alone can make you happy for that moment. But, as time goes by you will want and desire more than your next breath for more happiness.
Happiness depends on many things as we move through life and become wiser. Many different things and events or understandings can bring us a sense of happiness. But, we will want to pursue more happiness, I don’t think we can get enough happiness. I hope everyone develops healthy needs and desires. People are going to pursue happiness. May it not be at the net unwanted or undesired expense of others. We can give and take to find a temporary equilibrium of happiness; let’s make the happiness of others to be a strong variable in our own happiness.
Daniel A. Jones, April 8, 2012