Happiness is more than a feeling

Salish Sea gull

Salish Sea gull near Seattle and Tulalip

Everyone should be mindful of helping others to pursue happiness. What is happiness? What is it to you? What is it to others? What is it to me? Pursuing happiness can mean many things to one person, so people should be able to understand that it can be very complex to understand what the pursuit of happiness can mean to many people, a nation or everyone on Earth.

Some people might try to define happiness as a feeling, but even if a feeling is involved they would have other factors involved in their happiness besides a single type of feeling. They would at least be able to describe an absence of other feelings or circumstances in order for this single feeling to help them reach a state of happiness. Usually, happiness includes a mission or missions in life, and those usually are about accomplishing something significant. People like to contribute to the world. It makes them happy.

The more knowledge you have the more complex your happiness is likely to be. As you become self-aware as a child your happiness is more complex, and then as you develop awareness of the needs and desires of others it becomes yet even more complex. When you have your breath knocked from you fromby a blow or illness or near death, you are extremely happy to have that next breath – that alone can make you happy for that moment. But, as time goes by you will want and desire more than your next breath for more happiness.

Happiness depends on many things as we move through life and become wiser. Many different things and events or understandings can bring us a sense of happiness. But, we will want to pursue more happiness, I don’t think we can get enough happiness. I hope everyone develops healthy needs and desires. People are going to pursue happiness. May it not be at the net unwanted or undesired expense of others. We can give and take to find a temporary equilibrium of happiness; let’s make the happiness of others to be a strong variable in our own happiness.

Daniel A. Jones, April 8, 2012

Driving with Focus

Even though cars are being manufactured with greater safety features than ever, it is becoming less safe overall to be on the roadways. Between drivers becoming less able to be focused and car builders putting more attractive yet distracting features in automobiles, the average driver is not driving with appropriate defensive driving focus.

Stevens Pass, Cascade Mountains Near Tulalip, WA, January, 2012

Stevens Pass, Cascade Mountains Near Tulalip, WA, January, 2012

The governing bodies and the automotive industry need to get a handle on this problem. More warning labels and messages will help, but an active public service campaign and accountability for driving safely will be more effective. Please do your part and drive safely. I know you can do it. There is no excuse for becoming complacent and distracted while driving. Your focus needs to be on the road. There are plenty of opportunities to stop and smell the roses or play with your features.

Please encourage your governing bodies to adopt more safe public transportation, require accountability of their drivers and tax the automobile industry for the negative externalities of their products. Associated industries including fuel, cell phone manufacturers, carriers and app makers, and others that are not enhancing the ability of drivers to maintain focus should also be held accountable. Let’s make driving safe. Do your part and please drive defensively.

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Pray for the less fortunate ones as you go about creating the best world possible. Many people are suffering for a variety of reasons, and prayer may help them in some good way. Of course, do your part to help them by supporting universal healthcare, scientific medical research including natural remedies, good diet and exercise and encouraging stress lowering activities as well.

Stress is ever present in our lives. It is actually good to have stress in our lives, but too much and unnecessary stress tends to overtax people with negative externalities causing suffering. When people have stable lives with good essentials in life they will feel less stress. In fact, they will then likely seek out stressful situations and activities to improve conditions for others. Support affordable continuing education and the continuous documentation or accreditation of such lifelong learning.

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Websites of the week:





Daniel A. Jones, January 29, 2012

Standing Strong Until the Thaw

Standing Strong in the Pacific Northwest

Standing Strong in the Pacific Northwest

We can learn much from nature. We can ignore nature at our peril. Like these trees that are covered with the cold smattering of a recent storm, we can stand strong until the coming thaw or we can give up like a few. These trees remained. They are now uncovered, but though blessed with much water they must await further blessings of the sun expected soon to grow some more.

This must be true of individuals, groups and even nations. We can be covered from a storm at any time. It is best to stand strong until the thaw. Though we may be covered in the cloak of our current oppressors, we can stand strong until they are removed. We may still need to wait for or seek out more resources before we are able to flourish, but we can and perhaps should like the tree maintain faith that our blessings will come.

The world we live in holds so much potential for goodness. We should continue to seek out the key to unlocking that goodness. We can continue to live and learn to the best of our abilities no matter the oppressor, and keep our hope alive that we will get to enjoy the rewards that come from our good works including sharing them as we think best.

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There have been many arguments made by conservatives over the past week, but I really see not much more than an attempt to rationalize overemphasis of being concerned with the wealthy. The wealthy are not wanting except in morality and spirit. Tax rules are not meant to be forged to continue a disproportionate requirement to pay on the part of the middle and upper middle class and even the poor in many cases.

Wealthy investors are not going to forego investing because they are required to pay a bit higher percentage of their income in taxes. Keeping a low capital gains tax for the rest of the investors will continue to give them incentive to take appropriate investment risks and stay in the capital markets. In fact, it might be best to allow the poorest to have some investments from which they can realize investment income from time to time. We can mitigate and solve many social problems with reasonable income transfers. Government doesn’t need to grow unreasonably, but should be a facilitator of good living. I advocate assisting more people to obtain quality housing, nutrition, healthcare, transportation, education and training and protection, while continuing to encourage healthy business and entrepreneurial activities.

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Websites of the week:


Daniel A. Jones, January 22, 2012