Needless Adversity

Everett Hocky Scrimmage, September, 2013 by Brit

Everett Hocky Scrimmage, September, 2013 by Brit

by Daniel A. Jones, September 22, 2013

How do you deal with needless adversity? It happens all too often in this world. People target individuals to oppose and denigrate for no good reason. They get singled out due to old survival, troop instincts, not modern civilized advanced adaptations for a more complex world. We are better off with the collective knowledge and skills of our fellow people, and we should help everyone to maximize these with education and kindness. Government plays a valuable role in helping people move between jobs or productivity opportunities including providing robust, state-of-the-art education.

We boast a great deal in this nation about democracy and fairness and protecting, but we don’t back up our boasts with the right actions. A good democracy makes sure that people that are eligible to vote are able to vote – genuinely getting the opportunity. A good democracy makes sure that everyone is welcome to participate in party politics and to make themselves candidates for office. There shouldn’t be pre-judgment about who should participate. No one is more worthy than anyone else. Certainly a positive track record should help you to succeed, but I say it is what have you done for us lately that matters a great deal.

We all know that power tends to corrupt, especially when there is a sense of entitlement. The people that feel more worthy than others are usually not. The least can be the greatest among us. And, our corporate and other private activities in this nation tend to be worse than our public or collective actions. People aren’t concerned enough about fair play and making things better in many organizations. Most tend to chase short-term goals of maximizing profits often at tremendous public cost. They need to strive to innovate to make things better and make changes that make their own and the lives of others to be better. Working together to make systems and individuals better will lead to more real freedom and prosperity.

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I am looking for good, wholesome food ideas including where to eat out, the best groceries and recipes. I am partial to whole grain, natural, organic and sustainable green foods. I am planning on setting up the information geographically, and all countries are on the table, eh. Please share what you know.

Take care of yourself in all ways. I wish for you to have real success.

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